Make Extra Money As a Data Scientist

Data science is without a doubt one of the most profitable and rising careers.
According to Glassdoor, 2016 was the first year that “Data Scientist” was ranked as the ‘Best job’ on the market.


Becoming A Data Scientist

While Data Science makes use of Artificial Intelligence in its operations, it doesn’t completely represent AI. Data science is an umbrella term that encompasses all of the disciplines and techniques used to make sense out of huge volumes of data.


Your guide to cut through the AI HYPE! Part 1- Becoming a Machine Learning Engineer.

While there is a fear that AI will occupy a lot of jobs, at this point in its growth, it is actually creating a new positions, so the need for highly-skilled workers to build and maintain a variety of applications is on the rise.


Job Functions in Data Science and Machine Learning

Every company contains data professions in its work in one way or another.
For any business, data scientists are essential , no matter how big (or small) it is.


Meena , A Conversational Agent that Can Chat About…Anything!

The ability to converse freely and “Human-like” in natural language is a fascinating research problem in today natural language processing filed. Besides being one of the marks of human intelligence, which require for the true artificial intelligence.
